City Paintings

City Paintings by James Bartholomew

Painting architecture in bustling cities is a sharp contrast to painting the shifting tide in a deserted cove! It takes a while to explore a city and to find its visual treasures which often hide well off the beaten track rather than in the obvious places. As with most subjects, it takes a happy meeting of different elements at the right time to make it a great subject. In New York, one of my favourite subjects has to be the view down an avenue, against the sun at the end of the day, with all the busy detail diffusing into a blue haze.

Venice is a place I regularly visit to paint being a perfect combination of all the elements I’m drawn to. Colourful crumbling render and rust surrounded by beautifully architectured shapes could hardly fail to produce an interesting subject. The unlikely green of the canals adds a further element. As always, I find it’s at its best when illuminated by strong sun, particularly very early in the morning or just before the sun disappears.

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